What is the first thing you think about when you think about bankers lamp? I can bet that in case you asked ten people you’d get many different answers to this question. However, one answer keeps coming back: Antique lamp. Of course, that isn’t a fundamentally inaccurate picture of it, but it shows that a lot of people don’t know full histories of these lamps; however those who do know are of the upper echelon. Therefore, in case you’re one of them, consider yourself lucky.
There’s a huge array of these great lamps which represent style and lasting value.
Some of the most prestigious, most original, and most popular of all are those made by the Westinghouse Electric Corporation. It’s fascinating to find out that this company’s founder, the British prolific inventor George Westinghouse was famous as an innovator way before the name Westinghouse became the well-known brand for electronics and, of course, lighting. Only a small number of people are aware that he’s the one of the most ingenious innovators of all times, responsible for many discoveries in the world of lightning and many other fields also. A lot of his innovations are genuine concepts which completely changed the way we live and work. Therefore, in conclusion, he made many contributions to modern engineering science and society.
Now let us get back to the bankers lamp. It is a product with a lot of tradition behind it. A lot of them are made with a simple brass post and a green glass shade. You can direct it to shine right over your work. Green is the most usual hue seen in a lot of reproduction types which are offered these days, although dark blue was also a common hue a century ago.
A lot of have been subjected to restoration and are now in a top condition. When restoration process finishes, they can work as luminaries for a lot of time. As the name suggests, really, these were used by bankers plus a lot of photos from that time confirm that. The one of a kind design of the shade plus the green color of the glass made them especially fine-suited to lighten the bankers work space.
Due to the specific shape plus ability to cast light right where you need it the most, antique banker lamp, such as those made by Tiffany, are still broadly popular these days by both men and women, general managers and office assistants. Also, the huge demand for them keeps the high price tag.
Once shopping for one, it’s crucial to bear in mind that some of them are made just for decoration purposes. In case you wish one that is useful as well, in that case you simply have to be certain that it will cast enough light.
In case you wish to get the antique lamp that was subjected to restoration process, in that case first check whether the wiring is all worn-out. Furthermore, check whether the switches are old. But in case you need an antique bankers lamp which will be used just for decoration than you do not have to worry about this.
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